Our history
“Ramón Freire” Elementary school was founded in 1981, by the actual director and financial supporter normalist teacher Nelly Milla Rojas, special credit must be given to her father Victor Milla, who built with his hands the first schoolrooms. Since its foundation , the establishment has had the goal of integral formation of boys and girls, integrating in them a development in an environment of love and security, permiting the student to interact in this way , interacts with his tangible, social, affective, cultural and spiritual sides.
Basic Doctrinal Principles
of “Ramón Freire” school
* Equality * Sharing * Love * Respect
Workshops and Extracurricular Activities *Ballet Workshops Folklore Workshops ( dances and music ) *School Children´s *Brigade *Chess Workshops *Computer – Lab *Literature and Theater *Workshops Ecological Brigade *Tennis Class (Municipal Contract ) * Workshops of confection of educational games and teaching materials. ( Parents and Legal Guardians )